Visual Experiment nº006 MuBE – Museu Brasileiro da Escultura

1 09 2012

Here’s my new visual experiment, MuBE.

All the best,
Armando Vernaglia Jr

Photography in small places

23 08 2011

I took this series of photographs for a client of mine, Binne Confort, they are a Brazilian retail shoe chain with 6 stores, all located at shopping malls.

The stores are confortable but small, so the pictures must focus on the confort and try to avoid the idea of ​​small rooms, which may not be so comfortable.

In these occasions I use to follow two rules: avoid people and photograph with wide angle lenses.

Avoiding people is usefull when photographing small places because a person in a picture adds the sense of size and scale, which is great to large places, but unwanted for the small ones.

And the use of wide angle lenses allows to extend the sense of distance between the foreground and background, making the place looks a little larger.

All pictures done with the Canon EOS7D, EFs 10-22mm lens, no filters. Converted from RAW to TIF and JPEG in DPP (Digital Photo Professional).

Hope you like it.

All the best,
Armando Vernaglia Jr

Architectural Photography

28 07 2011

Here are some photos I took at the Pateo do Collegio, the historic center of São Paulo, Brazil, while conducting a lesson on architectural photography.
All pictures done with the Canon EOS7D, EF24mm f2.8 lens, no filters.
Hope you like it.

All the best,
Armando Vernaglia Jr